Friday 17 April 2015

Guest Post: Bri continues to slay the sugar dragon

 Bri and I ready for my prom, circa 2010

8 years of sisterhood :)
Bri's birthday, August 2014

I cannot begin to describe to you all how much Brianna Wilkerson means to me. She's been my dearest friend through the thickest and thinnest times of my life, remained steadfast and faithful to me by the grace of God, and could NOT be any more of my twin (for real, though). And because she's been my partner in anything that matters to me in my life, she was certainly there for me during my first and second Whole30.

Both of us have quite amazing and redeeming stories, which we know are God-given and have been fashioned in a way to be inspirational to others for their own life. Best of all, Bri and I definitely know that we have a future together in continuing to help others receive that victory they so badly long for in this restrictive, manipulative, and condemning world called food addiction/self-hatred.

That being said!...She is in the middle of doing Dianne Sanfilippo's 21 Day Sugar Detox, a program made for those wanting to reset their taste-buds/cravings/body and know that they don't need to rely on sugar all of the time. Bri has DEFINITELY received freedom from the Whole30 program as far as her cravings go and knows what real freedom is because of it. However, it can get easy to have food on your plate, even though it's all Whole30/paleo-approved, that may not be for nutritional reasons, but more out of habit...or using fruit as a way of feeding your sugar craving when you're hungry, upset, tired, lonely, etc. and not really wanting it for nutritional purposes. Remember, it's all about intention and the reasons why you are putting something on your plate.

Bri has been doing an undoubtedly outstanding job walking in her new habits with these yummy REAL foods on her plate, but wanted to challenge herself further and prove that she actually doesn't need certain foods all the time, even if they are 100% paleo/Whole30 approved.

SO! I interviewed her to tell me about the program, what she's doing, and why she's doing it.

Please visit her awesome blog to read our interview and best of all, learn about this incredible woman that I look up to so much in my life. We're in this together, and we hope you will stand with us and walk alongside us as we navigate life as well, humbly because of Jesus.

Love you all.

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